Building Materials

One of the most important tasks in the construction process is the planned selection of building materials. rough building materials stone, brick, clay, sand, gravel, crushed stone, lime, cement, briquette, aerated concrete, blocks, timber, rebar, wire mesh, concrete nail, construction nail, mosaic, annealed wire Contact us for the supply of materials such as You can communicate.

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Plaster: The substance obtained from pulverizing gypsum stone for mold removal works in buildings, shows hardening property when combined with water. It is used in many places in the construction industry.

Aluminum: It is a very light and easily workable material. It is white in color like silver and is a light element. The boiling point is very high. It is a material that conducts heat and electricity well. It is the most used metal in the world after iron and steel.

Pipe: Liquid, gas, etc. can be transferred from one place to another without any problem. It is a cylindrical substance with open ends, which is used to transfer. It has a very important place in the construction industry.

plywood: It is used in formwork and scaffolding platforms, interior partition building foundation and roof coverings.

Paint: Paints, which are a colored liquid composition, are composed of organic, metallic or plastic based pigments, binders and thinners. It is used in the building sector for material surfaces, protection, decoration and lighting purposes.

Pine: It is obtained by mixing silica sand with potash or soda and melting it at high temperature. It is a waterproof, hard, transparent, easily broken material. It has been used extensively in the construction industry for a long time.

Cement: It is a substance that is widely used as a binder material. The cement, which is in the powder group, gains the binding feature after it is combined with water. Solidification varies depending on conditions. It is one of the constant building materials of the construction industry. There are four types of cement. These; Pozolonic cement, Portland composite cement, Portland cement and white cement. Portland cement is the most widely known type of cement that is produced upon special request because its production cost is high. It is generally used in high buildings, ground concrete or bridges. It is a cement type that has low binding properties of pozzolon-added cements.

Iron and Steel : It is an important material for the structural component of buildings and is the backbone of the construction industry. Reinforced concrete is a composite material in which concrete and steel are used together. While the compressive stress is resisted by the concrete in this material, the steel iron bars meet the tensile stresses. Sliding etc. in reinforced concrete structures. Specially shaped materials that are put into the concrete to meet the stresses are called. Iron and steel are named according to their radii. Their usage areas also vary according to the structures. These are generally the materials used in every construction. In addition to these, there are also special materials used in special structures.

Betopan: It is a construction board that contains the functions of cement and wood and can be used for different building functions. In addition, betopan does not contain any substances harmful to health. It provides sound and heat insulation.

Natural Stones: They are communities formed by the combination of minerals. Stones suitable for use in construction works are called natural building blocks. It is used extensively in foundations, walls, floors and roof coverings.

Aerated Concrete: Diğer yapı malzemelerine göre daha hafif olan bir yapı malzemesidir. Yaklaşık olarak %85’ı basınçlı hava bulunan gözeneklerden oluşmaktadır. Çok amaçlıdır ve geniş bir kullanım alanına sahiptir.

Ready-mixed concrete: It is a durable material with high compressive strength. It is a composite building material that takes the shape of the desired mold by mixing aggregate, cement and water.

Heating, Cooling, Ventilation: Air conditioning, heating installation, etc. in the building sector. In order for people to live more comfortably at home, these systems should be integrated into the structures designed according to the climates they live in.

Roof: The elements that protect the upper parts of the buildings from external factors such as wind, rain and snow are called roofs. It is generally made of wood, steel and reinforced concrete.

Lime: It is a white-colored binding substance produced by cooking limestone, which has the property of solidifying after drying when mixed with water. It is used in many areas in the construction industry.

Plastic: The need for plastic is not something that can be met in nature. It is formed by combining various elements. Plastics can be molded and shaped as desired. Plumbing, plastic flooring, PVC flooring, etc. in the building sector. used in materials.

Ceramic: An inorganic compound formed by combining one or more metals with a non-metallic element at high temperature. General usage areas; Brick, Tiles, Tile, Porcelain etc.

Brick and Tile : It is a building material that is formed by cooking and drying clay-based soil. It is used in wall construction by being attached to each other with binders. Bricks are usually named according to their size. In addition, there are types such as masonry, chimney brick, square chimney brick, hollow brick.

Insulation Materials: In today's buildings; heat insulation, waterproofing, sound insulation, roof insulation, etc. With these applications, serious energy savings can be achieved. Some thermal insulation materials in our country; Glasswool, Rockwool, EPS and XPS insulation materials.

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